Instructions food infected with high blood pressure.. Reducing salt and reducing animal fats and eating Alfokh and vegetables rich in potassium

1- Reduce sodium-rich foods or salted such as cheese and meat high sodium 
2- Reduce the intake of salt (sodium chloride) to less than 2.4 grams per day knowing that valuable every 10 grams salt contains 4 grams of sodium (sodium 40%). 
3- Eating salt substitutes such as potassium chloride. 
4- Increased intake of potassium-rich foods 
5- Increased intake of calcium-rich foods (more than put sodium in urine).
6- Limit the intake of fat. 
7- Reduction of fat, especially animal fat (saturated fat), because the increase Fat intake cause an increased risk of heart disease, and increase blood fats, especially with high blood pressure because of its From contribute significantly to the high fat in the blood, and that these fats play a big role in the Raise the energy consumed, which in turn will lead to an increase in body weight and obesity Which raises blood pressure . 
8- Lose calories for obese who suffer from blood pressure. 
9- When you select a sodium to less than 1000 mg should not use table salt in food preparation or not to add it to the food and stay away from foods rich in Balsodam or salt (such as Pickles salted and cheese and canned foods rich in sodium). 
10- Use lemon or Spices allowance of salt to make the food palatable. 
11- food label describes the amount of sodium the product so it is important for patients with pressure read the food label. 
12- eating Fruits and vegetables rich in potassium. 
13- Eating low-fat milk. 
14- Limit the intake of stimulants such as coffee and tea.
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