Gestational diabetes complications to the mother and fetus.. Risks affecting the mother and the fetus or newborn

Gestational diabetes complications to the mother and fetus
First: the risks affecting the mother:
1 - increase the rate of Caesarean sections CS.
2 - high blood pressure.
3 - What before Arjaj pregnancy Preeclampsia Or Arjaj pregnancy Eclampsia .
4 - Increase fluid Aminos Hydramnios.5 - diabetes type II.
Second: the risks that may affect the fetus or newborn:
- Death inside the mother's womb Intrauterine fetal death.
- The large size of the fetus Macrosomia.
- Congenital malformations congenial anomalies.
- Premature birth to preterm premature children.
- Problems of newborn:
- Increasing the proportion of yellow blood.
- Low blood sugar.
- Increase the number of red blood cells.
- Lack of blood platelets.
- Low blood calcium.
- Death.
 the child is born to a mother who suffered from gestational diabetes are more likely in their youth of diabetes and obesity.
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