Fruit set.. Supply the body with plenty of vitamins. Low in fat and salt

- Supplying fruit and juices of the body with large amounts of vitamins A and C, They are also low in fat and salt.
Tips that should Followed when eating foods this group:   
- Eat The fruit was reported Eating juices because the ratio of fiber more. 
- Be a natural fruit juice 100 % Is added to any other items . 
- You eat melons and berries on a regular basis because they are rich Vitamin C.
- Beware of eating frozen or canned fruit and juices Desalinated . 
- The amount specified Eating: 
Advise the Food Pyramid 2 - 4 amount of this group in the day Per translate these amounts as follows : 
Number 1 fruit Apples Medium-sized Or Banana Or Orange. 
1/2 cup of canned fruit or cooked. 
3/4 cup fruit juice.
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