Food helps in reducing blood sugar level and control.. Garlic. Olive oil. Figs. Artichoke. Grain. Celery. Green coriander

There are some foods that work to control the level of sugar in the blood, including : 
- Onions .. As it contains many materials to reduce blood sugar levels and also lowers the level of cholesterol and improve the functions of the body, though yellow or white onions better than Red . 
- Garlic ..   It is one of the best plants to reduce high blood pressure, as well as lowers sugar and cholesterol and is resistant to infection, and it should be noted that eating some sticks parsley after eating garlic or onions removes the smell from the mouth.
- Olive oil ..   It lowers cholesterol and blood pressure.   
- Green coriander .. A sugar-reducing, and they resist infection. 
- Celery .. It lowers sugar and pressure resistant and thinner..   
- Grain It lentils, beans dry, beans, chickpeas, soybeans, soybean, lupine, Homs Sham, wheat, corn, whole grains eaten without disarming chaff them and have several benefits, including reducing blood sugar and cholesterol and high blood pressure, treatment of constipation and colon . 
- Red chilli "Red Pepper" of the best treatment for foot pain and a burning sensation caused by inflammation of the peripheral nerves result-diabetes .  
- Figs, It works to improve the performance of insulin and lowers cholesterol . 
-   Artichokes An officer of the sugar, cholesterol and treatment of gout and tonic for the liver . 
D / Mohammed Salah 
Specialist gastrointestinal tract, liver and sugar
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