Food diabetic patient.. Items that can be dealt with unspecified amount. Items that can be eaten in moderation. Prohibited Items

1 - Items that can be dealt with unspecified amount, including:  
Option, tomatoes, onions, garlic, eggplant, okra, trees, Allahonh, broccoli, spinach, chard, lettuce, celery, leek, Rashad, thyme, horseradish, pepper, mint, Baba ghanoush, tabbouleh, green beans, arugula, milk ( fat-free), baker, Alhalgam, soft drinks sugar-free (diet).
2 - Items that can be eaten in moderation (preferably delete a partition, which contain high calories in the case of an increase in weight ): Rice, potatoes, bread (preferably rye bread), bulgur, corn, beans, beans, chickpeas, lentils, eggs,, fish, red meat, milk (no fat), green olives, cookies, cake (Local Balschrin), falafel, low fat cheese, fat-free milk .
  3 - Prohibited Items:
Sugar, molasses, honey, jams, baklava, dumplings, sesame paste, pastry, fruit juice, soft drinks containing sugar, animal fats (butter, Qamr, egg yolk, chicken skin). 
4 - some conditions associated with diabetes need to own diet, and by the guidance of the physician, such as: high blood pressure, and renal failure, and heart failure... etc. .
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