Diet food for diabetics.. Antioxidants. Metals. Cranberry. Cinnamon. Fenugreek

* Begin to control this silent disease through proper diet, which does not mean refraining from eating a meal, but the organization of this food during the second part of this booklet can give diabetics idea for regulation Vmarb way diabetes needs to the various components of food:
Carbohydrates - proteins - fats vitamins - minerals.
As food for diabetes do not recommend them first because they are expensive and secondly because they are printed in the belief to follow a special diet and often these foods rich Baldehnaat and artificial sweetener, which cause some health problems that heavily Tnool.
If we consider that obesity is the leading cause of diabetes type THANH VAN proper diet is the basis for the treatment of this disease to get rid of the unhealthy fats that are stationed in the center of the body, "belly" and that prevent muscle cells respond to insulin "Syndrome" Knows the total symptoms pave the way for the rise of diabetes in the blood.
* There are some dietary supplements that help in reducing the level of diabetes in the blood is an example:
1 - antioxidants:
They nutrients help to reduce the level of diabetes in the blood by strengthening the immune system, including:
- Vitamin E
- Lipoic acid.
2 - Minerals: It helps in the production of energy and prevention of worm diabetes, including:
1 -      Calcium:
Contributes to the strengthening of teeth and heart Anchat.
Found in milk and dairy products: cabbage - cabbage - broccoli.
2 - Chrome: Help reduce the proportion of carbohydrates that turn into glucose and helps in organizing and producing the hormone insulin found in brewer's yeast - nuts, almonds - and cheese and cereal. 
3 - magnesium: Helps regulate the production of proteins inside cells, which exist in the chickpeas - fruit and sugar beet.
4 - Fish oil: Fish helps in the absorption of fatty substances and therefore reduces the risk of diabetes ..
Herbs help:
- Cranberries: It is rich in - Brindle Berry.
If added to the chromium compound of herbs gave help in reducing the rate of diabetes in the blood and personally conducted several experiments by giving the patient Citrimax Mahtoahlhven compounds and the result gave in terms of reducing the level of diabetes and blood Turaagelesra.
- Cinnamon: After testing proved that this product is its impact on increased tissue sensitivity to insulin also we used this compound with some vehicles across drugs proven effective, but we did not complete these tests.
- Circuit: we heard from our ancestors to use the ring as a drink or add it to eat reduces the rate of diabetes in the blood, but that did not undergo the trials.
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