Cases in which diabetics should refrain from driving

1 - diabetes cases modern private patients of type I diabetes treated with insulin, high and can cause diabetes to blurred vision, and must not drive the car until the sugar is under control.
2 - frequent bouts of low sugar, especially if the patient has the ability to recognize   Oara Z low sugar Hypoglycemic unawareness   (See the June 2004).
3 - low vision (less than 6/12) in both eyes.
4 - inflammation of the peripheral nerves and weakness or loss of superficial sensations in the feet (such as pain), and deep sensations Deep-sensory loss,
The patient loses the ability to recognize the movement of the joints of the feet do not know that he is a detailed   Ankle in the case of drape or D and therefore, the driver may not know that his had already pressed on the brakes or not unless you look at the feet.
5 - Ms. infected pregnant gestational others disciplined Uncontrolled gestational DM.
6 - ill peripheral arteries of the legs PVD.
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