Benefits of breastfeeding for the baby.. The growth of a child's brain and intelligence. Protection from infections and high blood pressure

** Breastfeeding protect your child from the problems of the digestive system and the respiratory system, children who are breastfed are less likely to diarrhea and respiratory diseases and ear infections. Material also immune booster found in breast milk forms a layer in the intestines of the child protection and nose and Belaovernm, and protect   Child of inflammation later Aljhazalhimy.
** Breastfeeding to protect the child from allergies.
** Breastfeeding has a role in activating intelligent child: is done on the level of index child's intelligence.Fatty Valahmad in breast milk play a key role in the growth of a child's brain and intelligence.
** Breastfeeding protect against obesity in later years.
** Can protect breastfeeding child from leukemia.
** Can protect breastfeeding child from type I diabetes.
** Can provide natural breast inflammation and high blood pressure later.
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