Withdrawal.. Move away from stand-off that is likely to raise in the same individual concern leading to pain

Is to move away from stand-off that is likely to raise in the same individual concern leading to pain. And especially stay away from people. كالزوج away from his family in order to avoid failure, and a student who moves away from his school or college in order to avoid failure ... But circumstances forced him to stay in this stand-off Viqouka live next to people not With them (the wife who are forced to stay with her ​​husband for the sake of her children, and Katalib who sits in chapter absent-minded does not speak to a not cooperate with one).
One of the most important functions is to ignore the withdrawal of the conflict, and escape the subconscious which aims to self-esteem, and lack of recognition of failure, which considers individual shameful.
One of the most important images withdrawal:
** Psychological withdrawal.
** Physical withdrawal (convergence).
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