Treatment plan for a pregnant woman infected gestational diabetes or diabetic patients that carry

 Home daily analysis device in the house fasting and after meals.
  1-  Best rates for sugar is to be fasting 95 g / dL or less. Two hours after breakfast 120 mg / dL or less.
2 - an analysis of the Ostyon in urine twice a week.
3 - allows the patient sufficient quantity of calories from 1800 to 2200 price Hrar in a day spread over three meals Major and three snacks.
4 - uses insulin in appropriate doses under the skin before breakfast and dinner.
5 - place of birth in the thirty-eighth week in anticipation of increasing the size of the fetus.
6 - breastfeeding for a baby are the best kinds of lactation.
7 - to be the work of periodic tests to rule out the return of sugar in after the end of pregnancy.
8 - Non use Alchoritzn or medicines Walt j lead to hyperglycemia during or after pregnancy.
9 - may be IUD IUD Is the best way to prevent pregnancy after that.
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