The incidence of irritable bowel syndrome.. Irritable bowel syndrome usually appear in the prime of life, and rarely appears for the first time after the age of fifty

Scary numbers approaching 20% globally the Arab and Gulf region فتقفز possibilities to 40% and women at high risk of IBS, and appears between the beginning of the third decade youth and adults in the sixth decade.
There are no accurate statistics reveal its incidence and prevalence of gender and age groups, but some foreign references says that five members of the community are infected with the disease .. This means that about two dozen people out of every hundred people who around you are infected with the disease, and in America alone statistics indicate that this disease is the reason behind the three million visits to the doctor each year, and that half of Auditors gut clinic are patients with irritable bowel syndrome.
Personally and the experience and contact with patients I find that this percentage increases greatly in the Arab countries and increased during the last twenty years because of the change in the kind of food, and increase the matter to us who are Arabs due to the nature ate full of fat and lack of balance as we eat and this makes our eating habits troubled and do not respect this colon slave. 
In a study conducted in some Arab countries four years ago appeared numbers staggering revealed proportions approaching 40%, and I can say that so far it difficult to provide health-conscious in the Arab countries to try to avoid rave large proportion which rises and increases every day to be sure, no one has immunity against infection, everyone exposed to it unless there right awareness and commitment.
Irritable bowel syndrome usually appear in the prime of life, and rarely appears for the first time after the age of fifty, and most research suggested that the age of onset of irritable bowel syndrome is often between 25 years to 55 years but recorded cases in adolescence, and for reasons unknown women more likely (especially before the menstrual cycle) to infection irritable bowel disorder than men tripled.
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