Tapeworms.. Gastrointestinal disorders and anemia, and neurological disorders because of secreted toxins affect the nervous system

The body of the worm is divided into three areas (head, chest and body) and the body is made ​​of a large number of Alosellat (linguistic pieces) and all acylation can be considered as an individual because the organs of the body repeatedly in all questions. Of Aaúlan worm two rights Kaaaúl essential, cows and sheep Range Kaaaúl in the case of tapeworm beef or pork in the case of tapeworms suis. Next to relate human intestine by four Mmsat and cause digestive disorders and anemia and, in some cases, cause neurological disorders because of secreted toxins affect the nervous system. When fully developed worm separate pieces at the end of linguistic background and each piece of the Linguistic on a mature male genitalia and another female and there inside many whites.
And pass these pieces out with human feces and stems with white When the animal swallows these eggs off the fetus and which is embedded in the intestinal lumen and passes for the circulatory system until it reaches the skeletal muscle or cardiac and eventually turns to vesical worm. 
And transmitted infection to humans by eating infected meat these worms is not cooked well, where starts the worm in the stomach and vesical migrate to the intestines, where worm stick Bjaddarha growth and take in even become a complete worm.       
What are the methods of prevention:   
Whereas infections occur from eating the meat is cooked well should avoid eating any meat is cooked well fear that bilateral worm.
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