Stages of degenerative arthritis.. Change the quality and quantity of synovial fluid which detract from its properties lining and Toboggan

In degenerative arthritis passes joint degeneration of multiple stages:
1 - with smooth cartilage turns to become Nashef stippled brittle and thus affected cartilage is less flexible and hurt more easily as a result of overuse or trauma. Can also change the quality and quantity of synovial fluid which detract from its properties lining and Toboggan.
2 - could still large areas of cartilage fully leading to bone friction over each painfully.
3 - may lose detailed Erbtth and changed its shape, can be thickening the ends of the bone spurs constitute (نواتئ) where fuse ligaments and synovial lining.
4 - may detach   Pieces of bone and cartilage and articular located in the distance, causing additional damage and pain.
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