Smoking relationship of cardiovascular disease in diabetics. Atherosclerosis and palaces or blockage of the arteries

 Smoking leads to increased incidence of atherosclerosis and palaces or blockage of the arteries: for the following reasons:
- Increase the burden on the role of his blood: where will increase the number of heart and a temporary increase in blood pressure.
- Ill cells lining the vascular lumen and hence the lack of production of nitrous oxide that happen twice in diastole arteries.
- High LDL is, which is deposited in the arterial wall and low high-density cholesterol is that protects arteries from the deposition of cholesterol in the wall.
- Increase the viability of blood clots.
- A heart rhythm disorder.
- Deficiency of oxygen in the blood.
  The sugar j in itself is a risk factor for atherosclerosis early as lead sugar in the presence of small particles of concentrated LDL, and increased platelet aggregation and increase the viscosity of the blood and ill cells lining the blood vessels and increase the coagulation factors and fiber Anugen.
  Imagine diabetic Dear What if met diabetes and cigarette together. You pour gasoline on the fire burning and precipitate problems occur becomes uncertain.
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