Signs of pregnancy reached by the Arab Doctors macroscopic examination and clinical.. Change color. Breast changes. Changes in the cervix. Abdominal pains

1- color change: the appearance of melasma, freckles and discoloration nipple and change color facies public and offered an explanation for that, but they tied degree change color sex born, and this is found among all Arab doctors, and we now know that sex does not affect the appearance of what we call color changes and associated the secrete plus some pituitary hormones, although the degree of the emergence of facies changes related to the psychological aspects to a small extent, and to family and ethnic differences.
2- breast changes: protrusion in size, and the veins surrounding the nipple full and discolored, and possibly clear Eelam sometimes breast examination when pregnant.
3- shifts cervical cervix : Lock crater (join the mouth of the womb) and a height and position change (rise up).
4- abdominal pain ABDOMINAL PAIN : Find again when most doctors Arabs and Muslims to experience the process of reminding the Greeks: The effect of a meal of honey is cooked in causing abdominal pain when pregnant, though they differed in their interpretation among themselves, so they got to know what we call today lazy career, which affects the digestive system the influence of hormones Fine, But they could not explain, and he considered important clinical sign, although the opposite is true Its presence or absence of occurrence does not imply or deny any case pregnancy occurs.
As mentioned every doctor a number of signs or symptoms that help in determining the occurrence and gestational age and timely Calculate.
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