Side effects of the drug Rosiglitasone.. Shortage in the amount of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, which provides protection from arterial disease such as coronary artery thrombosis

I have already mentioned to you some of the side effects of the drug Zzouzajlettazon is a grain types of stimuli insulin in type II diabetes has been off the study, known as Accord "Accord" And performed on type II diabetics who suffer from a high degree of risk to the risk of heart complications and blood vessels. The Rzuijlettazon was one of the drugs used in this study. The study was stopped for the emergence of several deaths in patients   Participants in this study and the other side effects of the drug rosiglitazone rosiglitasone They lack in quantity of high-density cholesterol HDL-C It, which provides protection from arterial disease such as coronary artery thrombosis. In addition, that rosiglitazone reserves amount Of water in the body and prevents use it just in case there was a lack of heart muscle (congestive heart failure) CHF . Based on the above I would advise type II diabetics not to use this property for good.
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