Serotonin and Irritable Bowel Syndrome.. The cells lining the colon works vectors serotonin out of the intestine. Disorder rates serotonin leads to depression and anxiety

Serotonin Serotonin Is one of the impulses nerve excreted in the synapses and make the brain cells and the nervous system reach an understanding among themselves, and some recent studies have found that serotonin contribute much in the function of the colon natural, and although the disorder secretion of these Alsialp neurological cause psychological problems many such as depression, anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder and panic, But (5%) only exists in the brain serotonin while there remaining percentage (95%) in the intestine.
Assume this theory that the cells lining the colon working vectors of serotonin outside the intestines, but it does not happen well in cases of irritable bowel syndrome, which leads to the accumulation of large amounts of serotonin in the gut, and because of this relationship between the gut and the brain, the disorder rates serotonin lead in many IBS patients for depression and anxiety, which increases the deterioration of the function of the colon itself.
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