Replacement tricks.. Displacement or transportation. Reverse configuration. Circular. Exaltation or sublimation. Reincarnation or autism. Sanctification. Compensation

A - If the goal was to modify target objective place, or replacement of a feeling, a sense of place, or commutation of emotion place of emotion, this is the "removal or transfer."
B - If the aim replace objective Otherwise, this is "the opposite configuration j."
C - If the goal was to replace the whole place part, this is a "circular".
D - and if its replacement, a minimum need this place is "Exaltation or sublimation."
E - If the goal was to replace non-self place, this is the "reincarnation or autism."
And - if the goal was to modify others very much appreciated and has become an ideal model called "Sanctification".
G - and if the replacement of a particular activity a lack of place, to try to make up the shortfall, the so-called compensation.
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