Reduce blood pressure in patients with diabetes.. Reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke

There is no doubt that reducing blood pressure is very important to prevent the complications of diabetes.In general, the ideal blood pressure less than 80/120 mm Hg.
There are many drugs that can be used to treat high blood pressure. And ACE inhibitors (ACE Inhibitors ) And include Captopril (Captopril ), And Alanbral (Enalapril ), And Alaizinoberal (isinopril ) And others.
These drugs have shown great interest in people with sick sugar in terms of reducing the risk of heart attack, stroke, and death. These drugs also delay kidney disease equivalent to 30% to 60%, and can also prevent or reduce the incidence of foot ulcer and the retina. And there are many other drugs can effectively be used to reduce blood pressure.
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