Problems with heart valves.. Rheumatic fever or rheumatic. Congenital heart defects

God has created the Almighty cardiac valves to perform simple mechanical functions very important they are open to allow blood to pass in one direction and closes to prevent the return of blood back again. If any disease that causes increased thickness and scarring valves may lead to stenosis varies severity of mild to severe stenosis but if hit valves cirrhosis it opens enough, but fail to close the provisions and called on this case failure LED, and in many diseases valves are narrow and limited in once that is, they do not open nor closed as efficiently as it should be.
One of the reasons known and famous in the Arab societies are rheumatic fever or rheumatic which expires after several years of infection acute problems heart valves either stenosis or only inadequate or only Monday gathered together in the valve and one or more of the valve enough to begin patient in Note some symptoms that may be severe to prevent the patient from the exercise of his natural life. And spoil his daily life. 
One of the other reasons that may lead to a heart valve problems and congenital heart defects may cause symptoms early and sometimes symptoms appear later.
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