Prevent the occurrence or progression of colon cancer.. Chronic ulcerative colon infections. Fleshy growths containing Adenoma

Astaratejah reduce colon cancer mortality is very simple. People who have a medium risk, screening begins at the age of fifty and better screening is a colonoscopy once every 10 years.
Next screening as an alternative to colonoscopy is a telescope colon procedure short (sigmoid colonoscopy) every 3 to 5 years with fecal examination for the presence of blood hidden or not each year.
Persons with high-risk for colon cancer are people with family history of the disease or the personal presence of colon cancer and also chronic ulcerative colon infections or people who have fleshy growths containing Aladinoma
And have been removed previously and others which have been previously mentioned. These individuals are selected time period to follow the situation and its evolution and hold binoculars colon, as the same situation and are ranging from every three months to every two years. Determine how long it will take to examine the colon is determined by the competent gastroenterologist. 
There are also some precautions and instructions useful to protect against colon cancer, such as:
** Exercise.
** Eating fiber-rich foods with low fat with food intake.
* Quit smoking.
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