Possible tests for colorectal cancer screening.. Fecal examination for the presence of blood hidden or not. Colored rays Balbarim of the colon

There are tests and multiple options for early screening for colon cancer, but they are in the end for a colonoscopy, where colonoscopy is a diagnostic and therapeutic at the same time.
Tests available for colon cancer screening for people with serious medium are as follows:
1 - fecal examination for the presence of blood hidden or not.
The presence of hidden blood stool of the most important symptoms of colon cancer, and this occult blood naked eye can not detect except by microscopic examination in the laboratory.
This examination is a year, and as soon as the result is positive here is imperative make telescope colon.
2 - X-colored Balbarim of the colon.
Are rays colored using a substance called Barium It is a liquid substance entered the colon by tube from the anus and settle in Almsagam and then are entered this article gradually and at the same time are portrayed colon from inside by covering this article tubule him. Used this test to detect the presence growths to diet or cancerous inside the colon, but there is a problem in the use of this test as the sensitivity of the device to capture and detect growths to diet only 50% of the growths that increase in size of 1 cm and thus polyps of the volume per centimeter and less not easily captured or discovered.
Also in the event of diagnosis of a fleshy growths in the colon, it becomes necessary to conduct a colonoscopy to remove it completely.
And thus came the American and Canadian recommendations not to rely on examination of colored rays Barium for the early detection of colon cancer.
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