Plant and animal poisoning.. Convert Alheistidin to histamine. Mushrooms and mushroom. And cranberries, green beans and potatoes green because they contain a substance solanine, Djilkozydat and opium and argon

Many toxic substances can be found in some plants and animals such as breakfast (mushrooms and mushroom) and cranberries and green beans and potatoes green because they contain a substance solanine and Djilkozydat, opium, argon and seeds, almonds, fish (Albarquada and mussels) and oysters.And some lesser-known foods that are toxic after cooking example Red Kidney Beans . In some cases, the decomposition products may cause disease in case of PAL Scrombotoxin poisoning When working bacteria convert Alheistidin to histamine in Scromboid fish And a similar pattern also occurs in the cheese.
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