Pancreas transplants for patients with diabetes.. Continuous rise of sugar in the blood and can not control it in any kind of therapy

The pancreas transplants since 1960, and most of these operations has been associated with a kidney transplant. 
Kidney failure is one of the most important complications that occur when a diabetic, and a pancreas transplant may help to keep the overall semi-intact. 
In some successful kidney transplant operations in people with diabetes, you may not need to use insulin, but the success of these types of operations is not guaranteed dramatically. 
The human body may reject the new member after days or after years of cultivation. That means you'll need taking drugs to suppress the body's immune for life.
And these drugs have very serious side effects, so it should not pancreas transplantation except in the case of complications too large due to the continuous rise of sugar in the blood and can not control it in any kind of treatment.
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