Obesity early Early Onset obesity.. Adipose tissue cell division and encouraging the growth of bones and muscles

This type of obesity large number unusually fat cells where begins from childhood where cells adipose tissue in the case of a split, and this type of obesity is accompanied by an increase in tissue is fatty, in many cases where that genetic factors and dietary and hormonal urges to increase fat cells are also working to encourage the growth of bones and muscles.
It is difficult after that proves obesity early childhood can occur has a fixed weight and one reason is that there is next to the large numbers of fat cells there is also fat cells large if possible to reduce the size of these cells, the number is less than only using surgery. (D. Osman 2002 m).
The increase in the number of fat cells (Hyper plastic) When children can not reduce the number of cells by following a diet to lose weight, but can be reduced in size and as a result increase the number of fat cells become chronic obesity accompany one in the stages of his life and resistance to various forms of treatment.
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