Nutritional care of cancer.. Calendar food shortages resulting from cancer or from treatment

Targets short-term care food D body best food as possible, as well as treating the symptoms, maintaining a normal body weight of the body, and evaluate nutritional deficiencies that result from the cancer or from treatment, as is also aimed to assess the imbalance of fluids and electronics and problems recurring water retention The increase in intra-cells, increased total body sodium and low amounts of water in addition to the internal cells lower body potassium.
And adopt long-term goals on the medical long-term goals as well, and offered to patients who have not been diagnosed accurately supported by the body and diluted to pain and require care to make the patient comfortable and grant him and his family moral support.
Patients who are to have a response for the treatment of cancer or surgery are supplied to support diet very high aims mainly to prevent the patient from losing weight and increase relatively to respond to cancer treatment and survival in patients who are able to maintain their weight and others who can reduce as much as possible from the weight loss, which may happening to them. And patients who can put on a high-protein diet and calories to overcome the side effects of different methods of treating cancer and can carry larger doses than those borne by patients who are not subject to this type of diet. Balanced diet helps the patient to maintain his strength also increase resistance to infection and can achieve the goals of any one food or a combination of the following:
** Eating a normal diet plus supplementary feeding.
** Tube feeding.
** Intravenous nutrition.
And food support depends who is chosen on the stage of the disease, the nutritional status of the patient, the level of performance of the patient's digestive system to function also depends on the patient's ability to chew and swallow and feed himself. 
The main problem for cancer patients are unwilling or unable to eat enough and represents loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting and feeling early satiety, excessive fatigue, pain and discomfort associated with eating part of the problem or may be caused by these symptoms is the same disease or treatment method especially when radiation or chemicals. Since most cancer drugs cause nausea and vomiting and many of them cause diarrhea, has been disrupted Mekdrgh some patients to taste salt, sugar or acid or taste heat in foods may also be a change in the smell of food in patients makes them feel nauseous may feel fullness early result delayed gastric emptying time is likely to be the result of a lack of digestive enzymes, stomach muscle weakness and other changes that occur in the physiology of the body. In my case radiation therapy or chemicals are normal tissue damage and cancer cells alike.
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