How does atherosclerosis when the diabetic foot to the diabetic foot?

Hardening of the arteries, which increases the proportion occurs when diabetic leads to a lack of blood supply that feeds the foot, and result in the death of some foot tissue (gangrene) and fed to these arteries and get these tissues Baltegrahat and inflammation. And usually starts at the tip of the toes and then extends to the rest of the football and men.
Diabetic foot arising from damage to peripheral nerves more frequent than those arising from atherosclerosis are estimated at about 45% of foot injuries in diabetes, while those arising from atherosclerosis of 10%. And 45% of diabetic foot patients combine the two. Diabetic foot caused by atherosclerosis are normally cool and pale in color, and painless sores, and a weak pulse, and sometimes it does not feel.
The resulting from nerve damage so it is warm, and devoid of sense, and painful sores and pink color.
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