Honey and water experience abdominal pain bidder for pregnant women to prove pregnancy.. When I wanted to know whether pregnant women or not Vosagha when sleep honey water

The Razi experience water honey and abdominal pain bidder for pregnant women, but denies her health to a new place to say to explain this: (and mind Bsaga water honey is not correct at all, because it was probably women accustomed him), but he goes back to mention in another place: (a sign of pregnancy watered After dine and filled with food when you want to sleep water honey raw uncooked van happened Mags are pregnant and Sagenah raw Lana need what generates wind inflator to be with her ​​Mags and be Amos for the uterus if full narrow intestine was not inflatable rough that abound through wide and they come out of it occurs Mags should be watered when dining Altmla and when sleep because these are designated on a Amos). And find a new place (Matthew wanted to know whether pregnant women or not Vosagha when sleep honey and water have been Tast in that night, when the right colic is pregnant and not there, and the uterus was bowel Mmtla crowded and Orth of those wind colic though not Mmtla open by the wind.) 
As mentioned (if a pregnant woman craves intercourse and mouth her womb join non-tumor and they are not want intercourse and find themselves dry dry and she felt the time intercourse almost overlaid few and Eugaha between the navel and the kisses were green breasts swell and yellows blank eyes and troubled and Heals color and Atnmh and longed to acidophilus and food evil). That is based on the experiences of his former and tried to challenge the present experiment, as he adopted in his interpretation of the cause of this situation on the views of his former, and the fact that abdominal painABDOMINAL PAIN Very common in pregnant women, as laziness digestive Career incident in pregnant women may explain symptoms of abdominal pain in the experiment. 
As we find mention of general symptoms and in-kind contributions: (headache headache The Gore sight) (if her eyes were Recessed Relaxed eyelids Hadta consider Safeta interpupillary full whites of the eyes thick was pregnant.). (Pregnant not blow intercourse. And yellows blank eyes and troubled and Heals color, and Txl and sleep and chilling a bit, then weakens audio and sink the eye and lies poems eye and prevail lip pap.) and these symptoms found when other doctors and did not interpret one of them, and these symptoms are far from symptoms normal pregnancy, but may infect a number of pregnant women in the context of the pathogenesis of pregnancy-related (eclampsia gestational) did not find mention of these symptoms in any door from the gates of the diseases that afflict pregnant Balkhash, and this causes us to believe that they did not distinguish these symptoms or diseases causing them, so I went back of the symptoms experienced by pregnant naturally.
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