Gestational Diabetes.. Disability placental hormones associated with the growth of the fetus pregnant mother body's ability to use insulin

Which types of diabetes least prevalent, and during pregnancy appears only in women who did not develop diabetes in the past. And often return blood glucose to normal after delivery to reappear in the next pregnancy, and so on. Studies indicate that about a third to half of women with gestational diabetes may develop type II diabetes within ten years.
And usually show symptoms of gestational diabetes Katth frequent urination and early fatigue or stress rapid during the fourth week of pregnancy. In some cases, the disease is asymptomatic, where high discovers Sugar for the first time when monthly blood screening pregnant.
It may happen because of disability placental hormones associated with the growth of the fetus pregnant mother body's ability to use insulin properly, which may strain the cells of the islets of Langer Hans you بإفرازه, or to insulin resistance. It also some women genetic susceptibility to gestational diabetes. And is usually diagnosed through routine screening of pregnant or the birth of a big baby weight (WHO, 1999) .
And reflects a surplus of sugar in the blood of the mother through the placenta to the baby's body. As a result, the baby's pancreas begins to generate more insulin to get rid of the excess sugar. As the fetus was in nutrition depends on the mother's blood and after birth has this source, it could lead to the risk of low blood-sugar levels.
This may expose the child to the risk of:
- Deformity.
- A significant increase in growth.
-  Deficiencies in lung growth and caused trouble breathing when the child at the moment of birth.
- A possibility of increased risk of diabetes in the future and overweight in childhood.
In addition to the health problems caused by fetal gestational diabetes, the sugar is also a risk factor for the expectant mother. As an increase in sugar lead to a condition called "Macrosomia" or "baby fat" and which could lead to difficult birth and the need for a Caesarean section to remove it.
A study conducted in Germany that 25% of women with gestational diabetes who need a Caesarean section to remove the fetus.
Must take place pregnant women blood test to detect gestational diabetes between the twenty-fourth week and twenty-eighth of pregnancy private:
- If she was 25 years old or more.
- One of her family members with diabetes.
- Previous birth to a big baby weight (greater than 4.5 kg) or the birth of a child is dead.
- Abortion frequently.
- Obesity with pregnancy.
The test must be done on pregnant women most at risk for diabetes in early pregnancy.
And treatment of gestational diabetes is often sufficient to organize food alone and exercise appropriate to their condition, with no attempt to lose weight for fear of the acidity of the blood. If blood sugar continues to rise on the rate of 135 mg per 100 cm3 be given insulin.
And should the exception of pregnant women that do not have a risk factor for injury sugar from the blood test to detect gestational diabetes, especially:
- If she was less than 25 years old.
- Weight naturally.
- Do not have first-degree relatives of people with diabetes.
- Does not belong to the breed has a history of injury with sugar.
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