General recommendations for screening sugar.. Check out the sugar when you receive a bookmark or a genetic predisposition to infection

Are diagnosed Type I diabetes usually the appearance of symptoms such as: many e urination and extreme thirst, often accompanied by loss of weight. These symptoms worsen within days to weeks. And about 25% of people newly infected type I diabetes have happened to have some degree of Alkithonip acids when sugar is detected to have.
Experts recommend at present each person more than 45 years a sugar test regularly.
And also must examine the sugar in adults young and in the following cases:
·  An increase in the weight of the equivalent of 20% of ideal body weight.
· High blood pressure (140/90 mm ​​Hg or more).
·  Lack of good cholesterol (HDL ) In the blood (less than 35 mg / dL) and increase in Turaagelesraad rates (greater than 250 mg / dL) ( 2.83 mmol / l).
·  Injury of a close family member with sugar.
·  Person's affiliation to one of the historically known strains infect sugar.
·  And an earlier date incidence of gestational diabetes.
Experts recommend examination type II diabetes each child more than 10 years if obese or has a diabetes risk factors mentioned above.
It can diagnose diabetes when a person one of the diseases that usually caused by diabetes, such as heart attack, and stroke, neuropathy, and slow wound healing, or sore foot, and eye problems, and some fungal infections, or the birth of a child obese suffer from a lack of blood sugar.
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