First aid in case of fire.. Turn off the fire burning the patient using a dry powder fire extinguisher

First aid in case of fire:

You've outlined some important points for first aid in case of fire, but there are some additional aspects to consider for each step:

Avoid becoming victim number two:

- Evacuate:

This is the absolute priority. Get yourself and anyone else in the immediate vicinity to safety before attempting to help someone already burned.

- Assess the situation:

Quickly evaluate the size and intensity of the fire, your escape routes, and any potential hazards before acting.

Infected far from the source of the fire:

- Move the person away from the fire and heat source:

Even if the flames are extinguished, embers and radiating heat can still cause burns.

- Cool the burn immediately:

Cover the burned area with cool (not freezing) running water for at least 20 minutes to reduce the severity of the burn.

Prevent the case of patient deterioration:

- Check for airway, breathing, and circulation:

Ensure the person is breathing normally and has a pulse. If not, initiate CPR.

- Stop the burning:

Extinguish any smoldering clothing or flames on the person using a fire blanket or wet towel. Don't attempt to remove burned clothing unless it's stuck to the skin.

- Elevate the burned area:

If possible, raise the burned area above the level of the heart to minimize swelling.

Turning off the fire:

Only use a fire extinguisher if the fire is small and contained. Know how to operate the extinguisher before using it.
Never attempt to re-enter a burning building.

Putting out the fire on the injured:

  • If no fire extinguisher is available, smother the flames with a fire blanket, wet towel, or other non-flammable material. Don't use oil or greasy fabrics, as these can worsen the burn.
  • If available, throw water on the person to extinguish the flames as a last resort. Water can be less effective than other methods and may cause additional discomfort.

Wrapping and covering the injured:

  • Once the flames are extinguished, loosely cover the burn with a clean, sterile dressing or cloth. Don't apply pressure or break any blisters.
  • Seek medical attention immediately, even for minor burns. A healthcare professional can assess the severity of the burn and provide proper treatment.

Remember, your safety is paramount. Don't risk your own life trying to help someone else. Call emergency services immediately and follow their instructions.
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