Elements of the initial rush (disease onset) Dermatology.. Spot. Papule. Creed. Vesiculitis. Bubble. Alosov (cobalt). Ulcer and erosion

** Spot Macule : Chromatic change specifically in the skin without a significant change in the textures, including blood stains, pigmentary and vascular patches and hemorrhagic spots.
** Papule Papule : Significant high leather determine the diameter of less than 1 cm, heal papule without a scar like lichen.
** Creed Nodule : Concrete block specific diameter greater than 1 cm larger and deeper and sleeved with an infiltrate of papule and include full layers of the skin, such as erythema Streptococcus.
** Vesicle vesiculitis : Worshipers gathered up from the surface of the skin to be within the skin and beneath a diameter of less than 0.5 cm and like follicles eczema.
** Bubble Bullae : Worshipers gathered within or under the skin up from the surface of the skin contains clear fluid diameter greater than 0.5 cm   And like bubbles burns.
* Blister Pustules : Gathering of pus under the skin or poetic follicle.
** Alosov (cobalt) Scales : Excessive accumulation of centuries of natural or unnatural, such as psoriatic plaque covers.
** Ulcers and erosion Erosion & Ulcer : Corrosion loss of superficial skin and small. Ulcer and loss of skin deep.
** Hardness Sclerosis : Change in the strength of the dermis where they become severe palpation and the skin above are often atrophic and its example scleroderma.
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