Diabetes.. Disease penetrates the human body silently and heavy bill borne diabetic treatment

Diabetes known since ancient times as the Greek physician noted Erataws (Aretaeus) In early 200 BC that some patients exhibit symptoms of frequent urination and excessive thirst. This phenomenon has been called (Diabetes)  It is a Latin word meaning Go to the toilet or frequent urination. In 1675 he added the world Thomas Willis (Thomas Willis ) The word "Mellitus Mellitus "The means in Latin" sweet as honey "after noting that the blood and urine of diabetics has sweetish became named the disease" Diabats Mellitus "or diabetes. Yet the word Diabats mean diabetes, but there is also a rare condition called" Diabats Ansebedos Diabetes Insipidus "I do not have the taste of the sweet urine. Produces this case due to shortcomings in kidney function or the pituitary gland.
The scientists found Joseph von Mereynj (Joseph Von Mering ) And Oscar Menkwski (Oskar Minkowski ) In 1889, the role of the pancreas in diabetes when the pancreas removed completely from the dogs, where they showed signs and symptoms of diabetes and led to their deaths shortly after. ) That diabetic patients suffer from a lack of one chemical produced by the pancreas, called "insulin". The word insulin derivative from the Latin word known as the insula, meaning island, and returns to the word Islands "Langer Hans Langerhans "In which the pancreas produces insulin. Has enabled the world Pattenj (Bating) And his colleagues from the University of Toronto, Canada, in late 1920 from the separation of the hormone insulin for the first time from the pancreas of cows. This led to the availability of insulin injections, which are used for the first time on diabetics in 1922.
The diabetes at present one of the most common diseases in the world as a whole advanced him and developing and affects rich and poor, young and old, men and women. Studies have shown scientific that approximately 5-8% of individuals infected with diabetes and many patients do not exhibit symptoms disease and do not know they are infected with sugar. and might be behind the high prevalence of this disease change the type of food and obesity, prosperity and anxiety and tension and psychological injury to some viruses and other reasons. Based on the World Health Organization report issued in 2006, the number of infected nearly 171 million people worldwide. Regrettably, the number is increasing and is expected to double by the year 2030 because of the increase in obesity, which leads to an imbalance in the secretion of the hormone insulin, as well as the high age adjusted for people in developed countries.
The problem of diabetes is not just a high percentage of sugar in the blood, this disease penetrates the human body silently and slowly but violently hits. Where more studies have shown that the risk of dying due to complications that occur for a diabetic equivalent doubled in comparison with other healthy people who are in such as age and gender. And specifically diabetics likely to die of cardiovascular disease by more than three times, About 75% of diabetes mortality is due to cardiovascular diseases, and are vulnerable to stroke, brain injury by more than three-fold. And diabetes is the primary cause of blindness in those over the age of twenty, which is why a 44% of cases of kidney failure full, and diabetics suffering from erectile dysfunction, sexual and about 30% suffer from depression knew it or did not know.
And last but not least heavy bill borne by the patient for treatment and sugar estimated by medical sources to treat only those over the age of twenty-about 286 billion dollars per year worldwide. This includes medical care, and the cost of hospital and laboratory tests, and medical drugs, and the number of days in which the patient stops working because of complications of the disease.
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and one of the top countries in the high prevalence of diabetes, where studies have shown that worked on diabetics Saudis that the incidence of this disease in men stood at 17.3%, while it reached 12.18% for women (Osman and Picnic, 2000). The estimated cost of medical care for diabetics in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia equivalent to 4-5% of the budget of the Ministry of Health.
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