Diabetes complications in the long run on the blood vessels, eyes, kidneys, nerves, and the autonomic nervous system, skin and blood

The infected tissue or organ
What happens
Hardening of the blood vessels and clogged arteries, medium and large in heart, brain, legs legs , And penis.Damage to the wall of the small blood vessels and the loss of their ability to transfer oxygen naturally and can occur leak
Poor circulation leads to non-healing wounds easily, and can lead to heart attack, stroke, and gangrene in the foot and hands, and not to the erection of the penis, impotence, frequent infections.
Damage to the small blood vessels in the retina
Lack of vision and lead to blindness
Enlarged blood vessels in the kidneys and excretion of protein in the urine, blood and not to run normally
Weakness in kidney function and kidney failure
Nerve damage due to increased glucose and due to lack of blood supply
Sudden weakness or gradual feet leg , Lack of sensation, tingling and pain in the hands and feet, and chronic damage to the nerves.
Autonomic nervous system
Damage to the nerves that control the pressure and digestive
Fluctuating blood pressure, difficulty swallowing and digestion with intermittent diarrhea
Poor blood supply to the skin and loss of sensation lead to a recurrence of injury
Swelling and inflammation deep (sugar ulcer), ducks healing
Impaired function of white blood cells
Increased exposure to infections, especially urinary tract and skin.
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