Diabetes, circulatory and heart.. Affected nerves of the circulatory system. Diabetes accelerates atherosclerosis

Affected nerves of the circulatory system: diabetic patients complain of increased heart rate at rest, and this is due to the impact of diabetes on the autonomic nerves that control movement and contraction of the heart.
Scientists have estimated the death rate due to heart problems caused by neuropathy due to diabetes between 15% and 53%.
· Diabetes accelerates atherosclerosis: that the most important complications that afflict diabetics especially with negligent treatment of atherosclerosis. This may lead to artery disease Coronary heart attack, and stroke.
 Studies have shown that Thrombosis Cardiac constitute 60%, and stroke 25% of deaths in diabetics.
In the first type of sugar may occur in the patient high blood pressure if disrupted kidney function. The rise in blood pressure is another major cause Clot   Heart attack and heart failure. The hardening of the arteries of the important reasons in high blood pressure. 
One of the reasons that make diabetics more susceptible to atherosclerosis from others:
·  Increase the proportion of fat and cholesterol in the blood, which combine with excess glucose and deposited on the interior of the artery wall.
· Increase the chance of high blood pressure when a diabetic.
· Negligence blood sugar control.
· Obesity and weight gain.
· Smoking and alcohol.
And extends atherosclerosis in a patient sugar affects all types of large arteries, medium, and small. But the most dangerous and the most important arteries that infects   Arteries of the brain, kidney, eye, and heart, and feet.
Has a sclerosis affects the arteries of the brain, leading to the possibility of stroke or stroke retina. Or affects the coronary arteries that feed the heart muscle leads to Occurrence of angina and heart stroke and irregular heartbeat.
It is known that the incidence of cases of "heart failure" when diabetics than in natural persons because muscle heart diabetics are more prone to damage and failure occurs in the function of more than natural persons, due to excessive exposure to high blood pressure as well as increased incidence of atherosclerosis coronary , angina, heart and stroke when diabetics.
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