Diabetes and pressures.. Reduce the practice of sports and eating little food health beneficial for the body and irregular check the level of sugar in the blood

Pressures affect the level of sugar in the blood in two ways:
* When a person suffers from great pressures it easy interruption of the normal work enrolled. Pressures may lead to reduce the practice of sport, eating little food health beneficial for the body, and irregularities in the examination   The level of sugar in the blood. So the pressure could lead indirectly to increase the level of sugar in the blood.
** Pressures may also lead to raise the level of sugar in the blood also directly. As for the pressures resulting from organic disease, increasing the emotional pressures if long   May stimulate the body to produce hormones resistant to the action of insulin.
This in turn leads to increased blood sugar level. These changes occur more commonly in patients who suffer from injury Type II diabetes.
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