Diabetes and kidney disorder Diabetic Nephropathy.. Vascular injury and kidney failure

The kidney disorder is one of the major complications of diabetes on blood vessels. While a kidney disorder months causes of kidney failure in patients with diabetes. The disorder kidneys, a large proportion of the leading causes of kidney failure are generally.
The kidney disorder inherent in a twin Retinopathy, so it began to discover kidney disorder at any stage of it, it must examine the bottom of the eye regularly for early detection of the presence of any problem in the retina and good to deal with. What is the incidence of diabetic kidneys in patients with Type I and II? 
The incidence of impairment of the kidneys in patients with type I diabetes is 30-40% after twenty years of the disease while the 15-20% in patients with type II diabetes.
Is there an effective way to prevent complications of diabetes on the kidneys? 
The most important tool is the rise in diabetes control so that glycated hemoglobin is less than 7% and the treatment of high blood pressure, if any.
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