Diabetes and kidney.. Bacterial infections of the renal pelvis and bladder

Kidney disease is one of the serious complications of diabetes, especially if the patient is suffering from high blood pressure, or symptoms of coronary artery disease, or that there are problems in the urethra.Symptoms include kidney failure, swelling in the foot and knee, and fatigue (tiredness), and pale skin color.
And renal function is to get rid of harmful toxins that enter the body or produced in the inside. And do the job ranks minutes Gelommereolaa called "glomeruli . "When the sugar level rises in the blood, it straining Algelommereolaa and increases the thickness of their membranes, compromised its ability to get rid of harmful waste body and kidney failure for a diabetic.
This leads to the survival of toxins within the body, and the emergence of albumin and high creatinine in the urine instead of keeping it in the blood. Therefore, the presence of proteins significantly in the urine when conducting routine tests as a guide to suspect diabetes. 
As diabetes leads to repeated bacterial infections of the renal pelvis and bladder, leading to increased frequency of urination and burning during urination.
Kidney involvement may lead to high blood pressure. And high blood pressure affects all major and minor arteries, and thus on the arteries of the college. And frequently occurs in patients with diabetes, and thus can worsen the state college.
And must treat kidney failure by either dialysis or kidney transplantation or see your physician. It is necessary to reduce the intake of protein from meat, eggs, fish, and legumes in these patients. To avoid hassles kidney patient must treat attention sugar and blood pressure and see a specialist doctor periodically.
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