Cultivation of beta cells of the pancreas for diabetics.. Avoid obstacles donate whole pancreas

This method is a new alternative for the cultivation of the pancreas in order to avoid obstacles to donate the whole pancreas. This type of farming is still on probation and not as effective as the cultivation of the pancreas, at least at the present time. The aim of this process   To give a diabetic new cells capable of producing insulin. This is done by extracting the cells from the pancreas of a person volunteers instead of planting a full member.
Unlike the process of agriculture full of the pancreas, the cultivation of beta cells does not require a major operation and the patient requires local anesthesia only and does not require staying in the hospital or be short and therefore this method may be a good alternative for growing entire pancreas, if successful, for patients with type I diabetes.
This method is injected beta cells through a thin needle in the umbilical vein (Umbilical vein ) In the abdomen of the person receiving or made ​​an opening in the abdomen through which pass a tube to the hepatic vein (Portal vein) And those cells are injected through the tube. The liver is a good place to grow beta cells for easy access more of the pancreas as those transplanted cells produce insulin better presence in the vicinity of the liver.
And include the cultivation of beta cells to take cells from the same patient sugar This method is calledIslet cell autotransplantation   Or that those cells are taken from someone else and called Islet cell allotransplantation And beta cells can be used from the same patient sometimes sugar to prevent the development of diabetes and when it requires the removal of the pancreas - for example, in the case of patients who suffer from chronic inflammation of the pancreas accompanied by pain is difficult to treat.The process of transfer of the beta cells of another person, for the treatment of people who suffer from diabetes, which is difficult to control and has not yet reached the stage of serious complications associated with diabetes.
To perform this operation it would require to the need for a number two or more of the pancreas from the volunteer to get a sufficient number of beta cells sufficient for agriculture for a single patient only).
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