Changes color carrier to determine the sex of the fetus .. Signs mentioned good to see women active color and her right breast larger and pregnant female of the yellow to Evergreen clinical

Find Razi refers to these differences, saying: (marks above to see women well-color active and her right breast larger and pregnant female to yellow to Evergreen clinical, Acer larger and movement slow and be lazy and relay Algthe where more), also returns to remind these signs and linked with the need clinical examination within System diagnostic: (if the movement in the abdomen on the right side more inspected appointed women saw right faster and lighter movement and color Nader bright Pregnancy Male and deduced female) and returns a reminder to a new place (When was the woman is pregnant remembrance was red and the female yellow or green or have her nipples Right bigger and smaller left and when the twins were a barbecue), but he objected to the brand in another place he says: (if she was pregnant by mentioning the color was okay though female the color barrier in addition to color your pre cord because female colder and male warmest, me: This is the most because it can improve female measure after cord himself well in color and deduced.) Any he characterized clinical cases violate the previous rule, but its response to the good management of the pregnant the color of her face after she became pregnant, and this confirms the clinical experience, although he could not explain what he sees but based on the same principles that prevailed in his day.
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