Changes breasts and nipple change of signs of pregnancy.. I saw the top of her breasts flat variables are pregnant. Linked to the severity of the appearance changes with the sex of the fetus

He says in more than one place: (throws her breasts with a little soreness), (and Anta chest). These changes mammary find mentioned at Razi of Alahbly). But we find that a lot of mention, but he did not give an explanation for the emergence of these changes. Says (see the top of her breasts flat variables are pregnant). Pregnant not blow intercourse and mouth her ​​womb join non-tumor and they are not want intercourse and find themselves dry dry and she felt the time intercourse almost overlaid few and Eugaha between the navel and the kisses were green breasts swell and yellows blank eyes and troubled and Heals color and Atnmh and longed to acidophilus and food evil.), also linked to the severity of the appearance changes with the sex of the fetus.
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