Causes of obesity.. Lack of physical activity. The psychology of eating and psychological factors. Genetic factors. Low fiber

1 - Eating large amounts of foods with a high calorie content, namely, (fat, carbohydrates and sugars). And enough to know that eating two hundred daily rate is increasing the need for the body and therefore could lead to an increase in weight by about 8 kilograms annually.
2 - Lack of physical activity: Kahmal sports and walking and the use of modern methods as the car, television and home appliances, which reduces the effort muscular person any burn fewer calories also find that the facilities civilization helped a lot in reducing the need for human energy as a result of lack of movement and watch sports programs more of exercise and gain increased relaxation and sleep periods reduce Takh consumption.
3 - wrong food habits: Such as eating large quantities of sweets, pastries, soft drinks and liquor and Muslaat (Caleb, Aljmus, peanuts) and preserved foods, intensive and subsidized food calories lead to weight gain increased.
4 - the psychology of eating and psychological factors: anxiety, nervous tension and the fear of depression lead to weight gain where the infected resort to get rid of their symptoms by eating too much.In some cases, lose his desire to work and less movement and overeating as a compensatory process to ease the psychological satisfaction.
5 - Genetic factors: The had both parents with weights and wrong food habits at the same time thus genetic obesity by genes and dietary habits together.
6 - reasons satisfactory: malfunctioning endocrine and secretion of hormones affecting the metabolism of nutrients could lead to obesity and may also be Alveadh in weight after puberty and after pregnancy and childbirth and menopause also goiter and eating certain hormones Kalakakir and medicines and pills lead to weight gain increased incidence of obesity and its complications. (LeT and Hanhot 1998 m).
7 - low fiber in the diet, which does not help the intestines Alsgbrh full and a feeling of fullness.
8 - external environmental factors: such as cultural and social factors, educational, calendar, economic and emotional pressures.
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