Causes of Irritable Bowel Syndrome.. Change in the sensitivity of colon nerves and motor nerves of the colon. Nervous tension

We do not know for sure, but there are several theories based on scientific studies, but not enough to confirm with certainty. Months of this theory is the change in the sensitivity of the nerves of the colon (Hypersensitivity) The change in the motor nerves of the colon (Altered Motility) .
The remaining theory months is that the two former party problem but start germs infect the colon and endemic not processed from start adequate treatment necessary or to repeat infection which violates the rules bacterial your colon where there are already beneficial bacteria feed on harmful bacteria and got rid of them, but if increased harmful bacteria for useful and reversed I immunity colon and started wheel disease (IBS) spin nonstop.
The reason remains the most logical and months is nervous tension Stress which affects the person and particularly affects the colon, making it the colon nervous and tense. This explains that people who have IBS are actually delicate figures and did not know how to deal with stress and affected more than others.
Is Irritable Bowel Syndrome is actually prevalent or exaggerated in size spread?
Yes .. IBS is actually prevalent .. It affects between 3-22% of the world's population which represents about 50% of cases calling at clinics digestive system and the majority of women under 25 years of age.And U.S. Census I am confident that the United States incur approximately $ 8 billion dollars per year due to irritable bowel syndrome and between research and treatments and climate data staff from work due to bouts of illness.
But let me tell you very frankly that the large spread may sometimes exaggerate doctors in diagnosis, particularly in non-specialized public clinics in Gastroenterology .. This is because the diagnosis has specific criteria knows more specialists in the field.
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