Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors. Acarbose

Monosaccharides such as glucose and dextrose (fructose) is all that can transit through the mucous membrane of the intestines to the blood circulation. The contents of the food polysaccharides (starch) and bilateral sugars (sucrose) it is necessary to be broken within the intestine into mono sugars (glucose mainly) before it is absorbed from the intestine. Usually food is digested in a relatively small part of the intestine which is the upper part of the small intestine by enzymes present in the intestine known as "alpha Gelokozaadez" and you break down polysaccharides and converted to glucose, which is rapidly absorbed from the intestine into the circulation. This leads to a rapid rise in blood glucose after a meal directly, as the resulting stress on the pancreas. Without these enzymes, these sugars can not be absorbed from the intestine and are brought out through the feces.
How do these drugs work?
Lead Alokarboz done through competition with sugars in union with enzymes the "alpha Gelokozaadez". The competitiveness of Okarboz union with enzymes alpha Gelokozaadez equivalent to 1000 times greater than the sugars. And by Alokarboz union with enzymes the "alpha Gelokozaadez", those enzymes lose their ability to break down sugars and result in slow digestion of starches and sugars in bilateral upper part of the small intestine and is absorbed gradually when offered in the intestine through twelve(duodenum ), And fasting intestine (Jejunum ), And ileum intestine (ileum ). This leads to slow in process Skralgelokoz absorption from the intestine and thus limits the dramatic rise in glucose in the blood after eating a meal. This in turn   Reduces stress on the pancreas where insulin is low in the blood after a meal and this might be useful, as the rise in the rate of insulin after meals may be accompanied by an increase in the risk of heart disease.
It should be noted that Alokarboz designed to slow down the absorption of glucose from the intestine and not to prevent its absorption.
Medical Uses:
Has been recognized by the Department of Nutrition and Drug Administration (FDA ) Use Alokarboz in patients with type II diabetes with metformin, Oaduah   Sulfonylureas, or insulin. And drug Alokarboz alone does not cause a sharp drop in blood sugar to low rates only if used with other antihypertensive drugs sugar. To meet any shortage of blood sugar in this case, it must be accessible to the patient source of glucose (glucose tablets) to be used when necessary. It does not help to use regular sugar in this case or starchy food because Alokarboz prevents digested and converted into mono sugars and thus prevents absorption.
The drug such as metformin can be useful in cases of obese patients with type II diabetes. Also noted that the drug Alokarboz reduces hemoglobin A1C When used alone or in combination with other antihypertensive drugs sugar.
The recommended dose of this medication is 25-100 mg, taken immediately before a meal.
Possible side effects:
That less than 2% of the drug Alakarboz is absorbed from the intestine into the circulation and the rest is excreted with feces, so the drug is safe on the circulatory system. Since these drugs prevent cracking polysaccharides and converted to glucose   It leads to the accumulation of these sugars in the intestine and decomposition by bacteria found in the colon and the resulting   Occurrence of abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloating and gas. This unfortunately is uncomfortable for many patients and may lead to stop using the treatment.
As the severity of those side effects depend on the therapeutic dose, it is usually advised to use small doses of the drug initially Alokarboz can be increased gradually as needed.
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