Agriculture pancreas.. Development and use of the hormone insulin as a successful drug to avoid secondary complications associated with the sugar

In the beginning of the century, the average survival of diabetics alive within just two years of the beginning of the first diagnosed with type of sugar. The development and use of the hormone insulin as a successful drug to make a great revolution in the treatment of patients with diabetes and convert it from a disease rapidly lead to death to a chronic disease. Regrettably, lengthening the age of diabetics with the survival of the disease has led to the emergence of secondary complications associated with the sugar, which include kidney failure, neuropathy and retina, and other complications on small and large arteries.These complications occur after 10 - 20 years of the onset of diabetes.
Many of the patients with type I diabetes is controlled by the level of sugar they have through sport, nutrition and insulin injections.
But some patients find it difficult to control the level of sugar they use these roads and result in serious complications in the short term and long term. Cultivation of the pancreas may be successful alternative for patients with type I advanced diabetes who do not respond well to treatment with insulin and who show serious complications due to the disease. The aim pancreas transplant to improve the first type of diabetes and not to rely on insulin. 
The first pancreas were planted in the world in 1966 by Dr. Richard Aleahy (Richard lillehei ) From the University of Minnesota in the United States of America, where the pancreas were planted with kidney at the same time successfully. Then followed by agriculture with kidney and pancreas twelve sick at the age of 28 years. Despite the low level of sugar in the blood immediately after the transplant but died three months later due to lung problems. In 1979 was the first part of the growing pancreatic people volunteers neighborhoods. Those operations were considered in the experimental stage until the year 1990. At present, the cultivation of the pancreas are therapeutically acceptable. In the United States there are currently approximately 100 medical center for the cultivation of the pancreas is approximately 1,400 state grow pancreas annually. This number is very limited due to lack of members that are donated by deceased persons for the purpose of agriculture.
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